Providing children with hope for a brighter future.
Dream Big Bags
was imagined to provide care kits for kids, giving them essential belongings to see them through their next destination. With growing support, Dream Big Bags can provide patients with a sense of identity through a personal belongings bag, a hygiene kit, a warm blanket, and essential clothing to support their next steps. It is as simple as giving children their basic needs to change their outlook on life.

Adolescent and Pediatric Behavioral Health Unit
Baptist Medical Center
A place where children and teens, ages four and older,
struggling with mental health, seek inpatient support.
These patients often find themselves escaping situations of overdose, group homes, juvenile detention centers, broken homes, or simply their feelings of no hope.
Many of these children are released from the center to be placed in group homes or long-term rehabilitation centers, leaving with no belongings to call their own.

A donation of any size
will provide children with hope
for a brighter future.